Bring On the PATH Workshops to Your Faculty, Parents and Teens


WHAT TO EXPECT: On the PATH presentations open with a dynamic and passionate review of our two-fold Purpose: to love God and to love others. All thoughts, choices, decisions, and relationships are rightly-oriented when rooted in this Purpose. Embracing one’s Purpose begs an essential question: “How can I do these two things?”

Within this faith-first framework, Social-Emotional Learning techniques are introduced. These skills equip teachers, students and parents to love God and others concretely and actively. They promote character formation and positive behavior patterns. Moreover, faith-first SEL skills support healthy and moral spiritual lives, classrooms, families, relationships and work places.

HOW IT WORKS: Work with Peg to customize your presentations.

Student workshops are arranged in three categories: Core Sessions, Maintenance Sessions, and Sessions for Building the Body. Basic PATH cornerstones are woven into every session, and each runs approximately 30-45 minutes. Sessions are are interactive and PowerPoint-based. Choose one session, or stack several for a half or full day event.

Faculty Retreats and Professional Development Workshops frame Social-Emotional Learning techniques as necessary skills for faith-filled, Purpose-driven living. They are the tools we employ when we actively love God and others. Almost without fail, attendees find On the PATH seminars valuable both personally and professionally. They leave with the desire and tools to bring positive change to classrooms and relationships.

Workshop content is stacked to meet the needs of each community. Units include:

  • the potential and pitfalls associated with the neural changes of the teen and young adult years;
  • habits of self-awareness and self-regulation;
  • claiming the power of personal responsibility;
  • grace and gratitude as game-changers;
  • building resiliency by pursuing personal virtues and positive character traits;
  • uprooting thinking patterns which lead to negativity, blaming, excuse-making;
  • resisting personal temptations;
  • meeting life’s obstacles Purpose-first;
  • avoiding and transforming hazardous social situations;
  • choosing and maintaining healthy relationships;
  • targeted tips for communicating and resolving conflicts effectively and respectfully.

Parent workshops include:

  • an introduction to the child-to-adolescent brain transition;
  • an overview of Purpose-based parenting throughout this transition in a post-Modern culture;
  • concrete tools for building character and resilience vis-a-vis these neural changes and culture.
  • In addition, all Faculty PD topics can be modified for parent audiences.

WHO PRESENTS? All sessions are presented by Peg Dubrowski, author of Following Jesus on the PATH: A Catholic Teen’s Guide to Life-Altering Faith.

For more information, including pricing and reservations, contact