It is impossible to put into words the impact that On the PATH will have on people’s lives. Peg invites teens to think about life, and life decisions, in a whole new way, and she has created an excellent guide for teens to follow in becoming exceptional and responsible adult Catholics. Teens introduced to On the PATH’s skills and lessons are not only likely to live happy, faith-filled lives, but are also likely to be great leaders and examples in faith and life in general.
Bobbie, parent
On the PATH is such a blessing to many lives. It’s a wonderful piece that can help younger readers (and even their adult counterparts) assess their personal and faith lives, and move forward in healthy ways. I can pictured my daughter and oldest son reading this now, and my younger two when they are ready. There is great strength in the text because of Peg’s navigation of the material, and the wonderful way she offered scripture as a base. Her understanding and implementation of Top20 concepts was fantastic!
Kevin, parent
On the PATH has helped me realize that, although I had taken steps to create success in other aspects of my life, I had clearly neglected to create a process for finding and following the pathway to Christ. Peg’s book IS that process. As a parent of young children, I appreciate the number of tools that help me when guiding them through challenges. They’re tools that my children understand and they help keep Christ at the center of our conversations and solutions.
On the PATH’s message is serious and powerful, and challenges the reader to change where needed, and to grow. At the same time, the tone is friendly and full of reminders to be patient and forgiving with oneself. It’s a great read and one you’ll reference over and over again.
Janet, parent
TEENS TALK about On the PATH
This book reminds me that my mind is a powerful tool and a lot depends upon the choices I make. But no matter the choices, I must indeed remember that God’s love is unconditional and unceasing. As I read On the PATH, I realized that being LOST does not make me a bad person, it simply makes me human, as we all are. God carries me through it all. Once I get on the PATH, God still carries me. I am the farthest thing from perfect. However, that’s okay because On the PATH has shown me I can work on being a better me today and every day for the rest of my existence.
Kendall, 17
On the PATH is a learning tool unlike any other textbook. It is amazing how a lot of these concepts stayed with me five years after I went through the program. I see, and still use, concepts such as “The Line” and “The Frame” in everyday interactions. I recommend this book for students of all ages, as I would be LOST without it.”
Patrick, 19
I’m not sure about other schools, but at my school religion classes tend to be kind of general. They are not geared towards teens, but they are being taught to teens. On the PATH is a great new approach for teaching religion to teens. It uses metaphors and current examples taken directly from our everyday lives, plus it uses a good balance of humor. If this book was taught, a lot more students would stay attentive and find learning about their faith to be more interesting, challenging, and definitely more engaging.
Matt, 17
As a college freshmen at a public university, I wish that I had read On the PATH when I was younger. I know it would have made me stronger in my faith and given me the confidence to face everyday obstacles. Though I participated in a program similar to this when I was in middle school, it was missing the faith connection, and that piece makes all the difference. On the PATH not only shows teens how to conquer obstacles and confrontations, but how to face them with personal faith, Scripture, and tradition as our backbone and support.
Sarah, 19
Sessions for Building the Body of Christ teach teens practical, concrete, and powerful skills for living Catholic morality in the Land of Other People.
SESSION # 7 Getting Back to the Garden Together
Participants will:
• Recognize the potential graces present in the Mystical Body of Christ.
• Explain the three responsibilities each member has in the Land of Other People (Get In Shape, Do Your Part, and Help Others Succeed).
• Identify the three guiding principles within the Land of Other People.
SESSION #8 Building Trust Funds
Participants will:
• Recognize the PATH is safer and most achievable when traveled with like-minded co-travelers.
• Develop strategies for building successful parent/child relationships and healthy friendships.
• Identify potential mentors for their journey on the PATH.
SESSION #9 Stormy Weather
Participants will:
• Identify favorable conditions for the spawning of destructive social tornadoes.
• Recognize, avoid, and dismantle social tornadoes of negativity and destruction.
• Acquire concrete tools for building and maintaining calm and respectful environments.
SESSION #10 Hits and Road Rage
Participant will:
• Develop a healthy respect for the teaching power of obstacles and difficulties experienced while on the PATH.
• Learn skills for managing life’s curve balls with self-confidence and resilience.
• Learn effective methods for resolving conflicts while in the Yoke and on the PATH.
Bring an On the PATH Workshop to Your Teens
Custom-designed a workshop to meet your school or organization’s needs.
Sessions run 75-90 minutes each.
Choose one, or stack several for a half or full day event.
Basic PATH cornerstones are woven into every session.
For more information, see General Session Information.
For pricing and to reserve your date, Contact Peg.
Bring On the PATH Workshops to Your Faculty, Parents and Teens
WHAT TO EXPECT: On the PATH presentations open with a dynamic and passionate review of our two-fold Purpose: to love God and to love others. All thoughts, choices, decisions, and relationships are rightly-oriented when rooted in this Purpose. Embracing one’s Purpose begs an essential question: “How can I do these two things?”
Within this faith-first framework, Social-Emotional Learning techniques are introduced. These skills equip teachers, students and parents to love God and others concretely and actively. They promote character formation and positive behavior patterns. Moreover, faith-first SEL skills support healthy and moral spiritual lives, classrooms, families, relationships and work places.
HOW IT WORKS: Work with Peg to customize your presentations.
Student workshops are arranged in three categories: Core Sessions, Maintenance Sessions, and Sessions for Building the Body. Basic PATH cornerstones are woven into every session, and each runs approximately 30-45 minutes. Sessions are are interactive and PowerPoint-based. Choose one session, or stack several for a half or full day event.
Faculty Retreats and Professional Development Workshops frame Social-Emotional Learning techniques as necessary skills for faith-filled, Purpose-driven living. They are the tools we employ when we actively love God and others. Almost without fail, attendees find On the PATH seminars valuable both personally and professionally. They leave with the desire and tools to bring positive change to classrooms and relationships.
Workshop content is stacked to meet the needs of each community. Units include:
- the potential and pitfalls associated with the neural changes of the teen and young adult years;
- habits of self-awareness and self-regulation;
- claiming the power of personal responsibility;
- grace and gratitude as game-changers;
- building resiliency by pursuing personal virtues and positive character traits;
- uprooting thinking patterns which lead to negativity, blaming, excuse-making;
- resisting personal temptations;
- meeting life’s obstacles Purpose-first;
- avoiding and transforming hazardous social situations;
- choosing and maintaining healthy relationships;
- targeted tips for communicating and resolving conflicts effectively and respectfully.
Parent workshops include:
- an introduction to the child-to-adolescent brain transition;
- an overview of Purpose-based parenting throughout this transition in a post-Modern culture;
- concrete tools for building character and resilience vis-a-vis these neural changes and culture.
- In addition, all Faculty PD topics can be modified for parent audiences.
WHO PRESENTS? All sessions are presented by Peg Dubrowski, author of Following Jesus on the PATH: A Catholic Teen’s Guide to Life-Altering Faith.
For more information, including pricing and reservations, contact
CORE SESSIONS: Get in the Yoke
Core Sessions introduce crucial building blocks needed for cultivating an inner life on the PATH.
SESSION #1 The Power Within
Participants will:
• Recognize the power and responsibility resulting from free will.
• Understand that a life on the PATH is inherently powerful, while being LOST involves giving away personal power.
• Realize that excuses and blaming reduce personal power.
SESSION #2 The Super Power of the Inside Job
Participants will:
• Realize that thoughts lead to feelings, choices, and outcomes.
• Understand and use the Frame to improve the outcomes they are experiencing.
• Learn to use the Frame for creating a habit of thinking with the mind of Jesus.
SESSION #3 Improve Your Ride
Participants will:
• Realize that success in life is a function of their Virtue Quotient, not their Intelligence Quotient.
• Identify the Cardinal Virtues and understand their inherent power for transforming negative thinking habits and temptations.
SESSION #4 The Line
Participants will:
• Understand when their thinking is serving them well (Above the Line) and when it is an obstacle to their potential (Below the Line).
• Practice habits of personal awareness.
• Develop strategies for effectively managing their thinking while in the yoke with Jesus.
Bring an On the PATH Workshop to Your Teens
Custom-designed a workshop to meet your school or organization’s needs.
Sessions run 75-90 minutes each.
Choose one, or stack several for a half or full day event.
Basic PATH cornerstones are woven into every session.
For more information, see General Session Information.
For pricing and to reserve your date, Contact Peg.
MAINTENANCE SESSIONS: Avoiding Internal Hazards While on the PATH
MAINTENANCE SESSIONS engage teens in identifying and monitoring internal obstacles to the PATH, including thinking habits, objective evil, and temptations.
SESSION #5 Plank Alert: Keeping to the PATH during tough times
Participants will:
• Identifying their own Negative Thinking Habits (NTHs), Thought Circles, and recurring temptations.
• Learn methods for reducing NTHs and temptations by increasing their Virtue Quotient.
• Develop strategies for combating deeply rooted NTHs and temptations.
SESSION #6 The Fall and the Evil Emperor
Participants will:
• Identify four primary movements in Salvation History (original holiness, the fall, the wandering, the New Adam).
• Realize that evil is real and determined to Edge God Out (EGO) of their lives.
• Begin to recognize those vulnerable places within themselves where evil seeks to enter.
Bring an On the PATH Workshop to Your Teens
Custom-designed a workshop to meet your school or organization’s needs.
Sessions run 75-90 minutes each.
Choose one, or stack several for a half or full day event.
Basic PATH cornerstones are woven into every session.
For more information, see General Session Information.
For pricing and to reserve your date, Contact Peg.
Contact Peg
What are you thinking? Doing? Planning? Wondering?
How do you make the faith Novel. Relevant. Crucial?
Let’s talk!
Email me:
LinkedIn: Peg Dubrowski
About Peg
Author: I’m thrilled to offer Following Jesus On the PATH: A Catholic Teen’s Guide to Life-Altering Faith, to Catholic teens and the adults who love them. Its voice and approach promise to be like no other Religion text you’ve read. The book is the product of a two-year daily advisory program for Catholic schools that I conceived, designed and implemented. That program harnesses the profound truths of the Catholic faith to the powerful teaching metaphors of the Top 20 Teens Curriculum and had a transforming effect on the middle school where it was piloted.
A teacher’s manual for implementing On the PATH is in the works. In the meantime, I’m a budding blogger at, and will use this space to bring together best practices, tips, and resources for implementing the books concepts. I’d love to get a conversation going with you and see where the Spirit leads in creating even stronger content and more compelling points of access for our students and children.
Presenter: Long ago I stopped counting the students who left my large group input sessions saying, quite ironically, “You should be a motivational speaker.” I thank them for identifying the gifts I was given to serve God’s will and design. That being said, I am a high-spirited and vibrant speaker and have enjoyed presenting to Catholic middle and high school students, to parent groups and Catholic faculties, and at several NCEA conventions. Like the Body of Christ, the synergy in the room during these presentations is awesome!
It would be an honor to help you kick off your program, support your present work, or help the Spirit stir up some passion for a deeper purpose in your school or institution. I’m available for student formation seminars and leadership training, retreats, youth rallies, faculty training days and retreats, and parent workshops. Is there something you are imagining that I haven’t mentioned? Contact me at and we’ll see what good work we can put together.
The best parts: I went on a blind date over 32 years ago and have been married to that handsome, faith-filled guy for 30 years. He and our three children have been the breeding ground, test market, and production facility for most all of my professional endeavors over the years. Their love and encouragement are the most precious of God’s gifts to me.
On the PATH‘s fresh faith metaphors will ‘stick’ with your teens for the long haul.
In its pages they will discover:
Their incalculable potential, and how to unleash it.
The missing link between “studying” and “living” the Catholic faith.
The key to transforming their own self and all of life’s experiences.
Innovative habits for developing an inner life with Jesus.
Practical skills for building up the Body of Christ.
Countless tips for bringing Jesus into the messy moments of life.
A GPS for navigating toxic relationships and situations.
Scripture and Church teachings discussed in teen vernacular.
Enduring respect for the temple given to them for the PATH.
READ what teachers are saying about On the PATH
READ what teens are saying about On the PATH
READ what parents are saying about On the PATH