Links for Teaching

Different than most pages on this site, Links for Teaching is one long post that will be added to as I stumble upon new and noteworthy links.

Check it by date to see what’s new.

September, 2015

Catholic Teacher, Principal, and Catchist Blogs Catholic School Chronicle, the loving labor of Nick Senger, offers a list of current Catholic educator bloggers (among a bunch of other terrific content). Great service linking us to each other and encouraging more of us to begin blogging. Thanks, Nick!

Real Life Catholic Blog Chris Stefanik’s timely, short and sweet, blog is categorized by culture, issues, heroes, inspiration. His mission is to reroute young adult Catholics, 80% of whom abandon their faith by age 23.

Project Youth Ministry Blog Don’t know why we continue with the parallel universes of “Youth Ministry” and “High School Curriculum.” Love this blog for its of-the-minute posts by a variety of bloggers, including D. Scott Miller’s last night on “The Martian,” using it to fire up our mission of making disciples. Check in regularly!

The Religion Teacher Practical suggestions, new ideas, activities, lesson plans, and teaching strategies for supplementing what comes with “The Program.”


August, 2015

Checklists of concrete learning activities for each of the eight intelligences identified by Howard Gardner. They will help you connect the Multiple Intelligences theory to hands-on learning in your classroom.

Multiple Intelligences Chart How do you ensure all of your students’ intelligences are being tapped? Here is a list of activities that speak to each intelligence.

July, 2015

Incorporating Multiple Intelligences in Youth Prayer Experiences Rethinking Youth Ministry offers a variety of access points for your teens in these easy to implement approaches to group prayer. All seven of Howard Gardner’s intelligences are included here. You’ll find yourself working these strategies into non-prayer sessions, and using them as springboards to your own creative ideas, too.

May, 2015

Creative Prayer  Contemplative prayers that are accessible and simple to use. Use the Prayer Station Archive sidebar. I’ve found the Inward Collection and Outward Collection most fruitful and easily adaptable to a younger age group.

Creative Youth Ideas  Object lessons, creative teaching ideas, and illustrations abound here.

Differentiated Instruction in the Religion Class  A Prezi presentation by Margaret Poniatowski. Excellent theory and application of differentiated instruction for the Religion Classroom.

Good Character  A secular character formation site. It supports a video-based curriculum, but the site offers discussion questions, writing ideas, and student activities that can stand alone (I’ve never seen the videos) and easy to tweak for faith lessons. Divides its lessons by age groups.

Jane Bluestein Dynamite presenter on creating positive classrooms, Jane Bluestein also offers a ton of useful materials under the ‘Educators’ and ‘General Interest’ tabs at this site. Do your kids a favor and get yourself her book, The Win-Win Classroom. Buy it at Amazon or her website.

Mad About Jesus   Fascinating and memorable scientifically based object lessons that teach biblical truths.

Religious Education and Differentiated Instruction  A Prezi presentation by Julia Manini

Rethinking Youth Ministry Go here especially for the rich, visual prayer station ideas.

Teen Place  A-Z topical index of Activities, Object Talks, Lessons, Games and other great ideas for your class or Bible study.

The Girls Guide to Saints  Tight little article for hooking your girls into the power of having a saint or two on their team.

The Source for Youth Ministry  Can’t say enough good stuff about this site, particularly it’s YouTube, movie and music clips/discussion areas. Spend a day or two investigating its goodness…

Youth Ideas  Discussion links to numerous topics, many with movie/tv clip hooks and printable stuff. A little dated, but some good idea seeds.