Bridge Building
Activity written by Linda Foreman, formerly of the Mississippi Development Authority. Bridge Building A great, high-energy group project for practicing some of the skills for building up the Body of Christ: teamwork, communication, and creative problem solving. Group Size: Small groups of 5-7 people. Space Required: a room with ample space for movement. Time Required:…
Group Juggle
Group Juggle A fun way to start working together. Can be used to learn names or develop a sense of interconnectedness, group responsibility, collaboration, problem solving. You will need: 6-8 small, hollow plastic balls (approximately 4″ in diameter) per group Set up and instructions Arrange 8-12 participants in a circle, standing a bit less than…
Traffic Jam
Traffic Jam An excellent group strategy game highlighting the key marks of the members of the Body of Christ: Get In Shape, Do Your Part, and Help Others Succeed. You will need: One blank sheet of paper “A” and “B” papers to equal the number in your group. Space Set up: Write the rules on…
Balloon Games
Build Up the Body with Balloon Games Weave these games into your small group time, or have a small group play a game during a large group session. Depending on how you introduce, referee, and debrief, each of these games can be an opportunity to build virtues, to foster group identity by working towards a…
Foundations Help kids identify the importance of a strong foundation for the PATH, and the pillars that will uphold this lifelong journey. Material: 12 index cards, normal (not thin) thickness, per team A roll of scotch taper per team A lot of good sized textbooks…20 or more Prizes for the winning team, optional Leader Preparation:…