Shop 2016
Following Jesus On the PATH
A Catholic Teen’s Guide to Life-Altering Faith
By Peg Dubrowski
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1st Option: Send your completed order form and check payable to Peg Dubrowski to:
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13 Forest Knoll Circle
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________Chapters 1 and 3—Find Your Purpose on the PATH and Happiness
________Chapters 4—Road Trip
________The Power of the Brain—Supporting content not in text; used before Chapter 5
________Chapter 5—The Inside Job
________Chapter 6—The Frame: Think-Feel-Do-Get
________Chapter 7—The Vehicle
________Chapter 9—Shifting Planks
________Chapters 10, 11 part one, 12—Ancestry, Evil Emperor, Habits of Grace
________Chapters 11 part two and Temptation—Emperor and supporting content not in text.
________Chapter 13—Safety Check: How’s My Thinking
________Chapter 14—Thought Circles
AVAILABLE for Delivery September 30, 2017
________Chapter 15—Confronting NTHs and Temptations: Tools for In the Moment
________Chapter 16—Confronting NTHs and Temptations: Tools for After the Fact
________Chapter 17—The Land of Other People
________Chapter 18 and 19—Trust Funds
________Chapter 20 and 21—Co-Travelers
________Chapter 22—Stormy Weather
________Chapter 23—Hits
________Chapter 24—Road Rage
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Order Form
Following Jesus On the PATH
A Catholic Teen’s Guide to Life-Altering Faith
By Peg Dubrowski
To order Following Jesus On The PATH texts, the student workbook (A Traveler’s Interactive Guidebook), or teaching PowerPoints, print this order page or download a PDF Order Form 5.2017
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1st Option: Send your completed order form and check payable to Peg Dubrowski to:
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PowerPoints available for delivery NOW:
________Chapters 1 and 3—Find Your Purpose on the PATH and Happiness
________Chapters 4—Road Trip
________The Power of the Brain—Supporting content not in text; used before Chapter 5
________Chapter 5—The Inside Job
________Chapter 6—The Frame: Think-Feel-Do-Get
________Chapter 7—The Vehicle
________Chapter 9—Shifting Planks
________Chapters 10, 11 part one, 12—Ancestry, Evil Emperor, Habits of Grace
________Chapters 11 part two and Temptation—Emperor and supporting content not in text.
________Chapter 13—Safety Check: How’s My Thinking
________Chapter 14—Thought Circles
________Chapter 15—Confronting NTHs and Temptations: Tools for In the Moment
________Chapter 16—Confronting NTHs and Temptations: Tools for After the Fact
________Chapter 17—The Land of Other People
AVAILABLE for Delivery September 30, 2017
________Chapter 18 and 19—Trust Funds
________Chapter 20 and 21—Co-Travelers
________Chapter 22—Stormy Weather
________Chapter 23—Hits
________Chapter 24—Road Rage
________Total PowerPoints Requested
$_______TOTAL COST (# of PPTS requested x @20)
Links For Teachers
Different than most pages on this site, Links for Teachers is one long post that will be added to as I stumble upon new and noteworthy links.
Check it by date to see what’s new.
January, 2016
Credo . . . How has the “overwhelming tidal wave of information” created a generation unable to connect with a God who seeks them at a deeper place? Great little read by Bill McGarvey, past editor of Busted Halo.
October, 2015
Rhythm and Beads Growing up post-Vatican II as we did, the rosaries in our home lay dusty on shelves or deeply buried in drawers. Jeffery Esssmann’s reflection is part memory and part re-discovery, and struck close to home. Recalling the role (and non-role) of the rosary in his own life, it’s Essmann’s experience in an Alzheimer’s unit that offers the true epiphany: the Hail Mary, if “pursued long enough, cherished long enough, could actually become part of your biology, a marvelous incarnation.”
September, 2015
Dear Pope Francis… Two hundred and twenty-five Catholic women from 16 high schools, colleges, and universities wrote Pope Francis letters sharing their love for the Church and ideas to help her reach out effectively to young women. This article is a summary.
July, 2015
Catholics Care About Gays?: The Myth Debunked Life Teen blog that answers some common questions and debunks some common misconceptions about the what the Catholic Church teaches about homosexuality and gay marriage.
June, 2015
The Gospel According To the ‘Nones’ The rapidly growing population of self-reporting “spiritual but no religious affiliation” Americans simultaneously report a deep attraction to Jesus and the Gospels. Read how the ‘nones’ remind us about the real power of our faith.
May, 2015
5 Reasons Millennials Stay Connected to the Church Research-based, easy to read article that illuminates what is working —and what we can do to engage the young church. While today’s teens aren’t “Millennials,” they are living in a culture that is increasingly driven by them.
7 Reasons Why Young Adults Quit the Church Food for thought about mindsets we need to be ready to receive, welcome, and evangelize!
A Closer Look at America’s Rapidly Growing Religious Nones Check out the statistics over the last few decades. The status quo in religious education isn’t working. Our teens need something different than what our schools and churches are offering if we are going to cause a shift in this trajectory! Go here if you want to see the Pew Research Center’s 2014 Religious Landscape Study in its entirety.
Four Questions About College A brief article outlining the four questions nobody asks, but should, of the college-bound senior. The questions address “the core meaning of a student’s education and development.”
Life Long Faith Journal Free online journal covering the best thinking and practices in faith formation across the whole life span. Each issue focuses on a particular aspect of lifelong faith formation and includes major articles by national experts, book reviews, and practical strategies and program models.
Life Teen Terrific webpage for teens but great fodder for the catechist. Blogs about faith, prayer, relationships, and culture. You can also use the search engine to find something specific (for example, saints for guys, adoration, pornography, why go to confession)
Living Easter For your own personal reflection as you approach Holy Week. Just beautiful.
Furious Mysteries James Martin, S.J. postulates a new set of rosary mysteries that meditate on the times Jesus became angry. Awesomeness. Help your teens frame anger within a faith context.
Navigating the Tween Years Year-by-year developmental overview of tweens. Good for teachers, catechists and parents.
Take Up Your Cross Anexcerpt from James Martin, S.J.’s “Jesus: A Pilgrimage.” He is truly gifted at making the mysterious somehow imaginable and approachable.
The ‘Nones’ Are Alright Brief article considering what we can learn from a generation of seekers.
Whom Do You Follow? Terrific little article about Christian life in the age of Social Media. A must read.
Why Hands-on Learning Works Though written about earlier learners, this begs the question: “Why do we think that older learners don’t need this stuff anymore?”
You know your kids love to be entertained. Entertain with a purpose!
Below you’ll find individual clips, clearinghouses of clips and discussion plans, and threads
that will lead you to a gold mine of other resources.
God’s Chisel The Skit Guys hit gold with this awesome video of a conversation between God and a guy that will draw teens into examining themselves and learning about becoming God’s masterpiece with clarity and humor. Check out all the Skit Guys have to offer at
The Creed 3-minute video that will get your teens to explore the creed with essential questions: When you recite the Creed, are you being real or are you being a robot? Do you even know what you are saying? Is there a difference between believing there is a God and believing in God?
Movie Clip Discussions from the Source 4 Youth Ministry Utilize movies to make faith issues relevant here and now. Hundreds of discussion sessions using movies, old and new, to take teens deeper into the truth. All sessions include detail guidelines and links to clips. Easy to adjust and tweak.
Five-Minute Film Festival on Kindess and Empathy VideoAmy compiled this moving playlist of videos to explore the importance of human relationships and the power of being kind, generous, and compassionate.
Never Give Up, Don’t Quit A bit from the movie Facing the Giants. It will challenge your guys to dig deeper and deeper to find their best.
The Beatitudes Terrific video that helps teens see how the Beatitudes can be lived right now, every day, and change the world.
Virtue Makes You Beautiful One Direction’s hit is rewritten and performed by a bunch of stand up young college guys supporting their ladies in growing more beautiful on the inside.
More soon….
Contact Peg
What are you thinking? Doing? Planning? Wondering?
How do you make the faith Novel. Relevent. Crucial?
Email me: <a href=""></a>
Links for Teachers
Different than most pages on this site, Links for Teachers is one long post that will be added to as I stumble upon new and noteworthy links.
Check it by date to see what’s new.
October, 2015
Rhythm and Beads Growing up post-Vatican II as we did, the rosaries in our home lay dusty on shelves or deeply buried in drawers. Jeffery Esssmann’s reflection is part memory and part re-discovery, and struck close to home. Recalling the role (and non-role) of the rosary in his own life, it’s Essmann’s experience in an Alzheimer’s unit that offers the true epiphany: the Hail Mary, if “pursued long enough, cherished long enough, could actually become part of your biology, a marvelous incarnation.”
September, 2015
Dear Pope Francis… Two hundred and twenty-five Catholic women from 16 high schools, colleges, and universities wrote Pope Francis letters sharing their love for the Church and ideas to help her reach out effectively to young women. This article is a summary.
July, 2015
Catholics Care About Gays?: The Myth Debunked Life Teen blog that answers some common questions and debunks some common misconceptions about the what the Catholic Church teaches about homosexuality and gay marriage.
June, 2015
The Gospel According To the ‘Nones’ The rapidly growing population of self-reporting “spiritual but no religious affiliation” Americans simultaneously report a deep attraction to Jesus and the Gospels. Read how the ‘nones’ remind us about the real power of our faith.
May, 2015
5 Reasons Millennials Stay Connected to the Church Research-based, easy to read article that illuminates what is working —and what we can do to engage the young church. While today’s teens aren’t “Millennials,” they are living in a culture that is increasingly driven by them.
7 Reasons Why Young Adults Quit the Church Food for thought about mindsets we need to be ready to receive, welcome, and evangelize!
A Closer Look at America’s Rapidly Growing Religious Nones Check out the statistics over the last few decades. The status quo in religious education isn’t working. Our teens need something different than what our schools and churches are offering if we are going to cause a shift in this trajectory! Go here if you want to see the Pew Research Center’s 2014 Religious Landscape Study in its entirety.
Four Questions About College A brief article outlining the four questions nobody asks, but should, of the college-bound senior. The questions address “the core meaning of a student’s education and development.”
Life Long Faith Journal Free online journal covering the best thinking and practices in faith formation across the whole life span. Each issue focuses on a particular aspect of lifelong faith formation and includes major articles by national experts, book reviews, and practical strategies and program models.
Life Teen Terrific webpage for teens but great fodder for the catechist. Blogs about faith, prayer, relationships, and culture. You can also use the search engine to find something specific (for example, saints for guys, adoration, pornography, why go to confession)
Living Easter For your own personal reflection as you approach Holy Week. Just beautiful.
Furious Mysteries James Martin, S.J. postulates a new set of rosary mysteries that meditate on the times Jesus became angry. Awesomeness. Help your teens frame anger within a faith context.
Navigating the Tween Years Year-by-year developmental overview of tweens. Good for teachers, catechists and parents.
Take Up Your Cross Anexcerpt from James Martin, S.J.’s “Jesus: A Pilgrimage.” He is truly gifted at making the mysterious somehow imaginable and approachable.
The ‘Nones’ Are Alright Brief article considering what we can learn from a generation of seekers.
Whom Do You Follow? Terrific little article about Christian life in the age of Social Media. A must read.
Why Hands-on Learning Works Though written about earlier learners, this begs the question: “Why do we think that older learners don’t need this stuff anymore?”
Links for Teaching
Different than most pages on this site, Links for Teaching is one long post that will be added to as I stumble upon new and noteworthy links.
Check it by date to see what’s new.
September, 2015
Catholic Teacher, Principal, and Catchist Blogs Catholic School Chronicle, the loving labor of Nick Senger, offers a list of current Catholic educator bloggers (among a bunch of other terrific content). Great service linking us to each other and encouraging more of us to begin blogging. Thanks, Nick!
Real Life Catholic Blog Chris Stefanik’s timely, short and sweet, blog is categorized by culture, issues, heroes, inspiration. His mission is to reroute young adult Catholics, 80% of whom abandon their faith by age 23.
Project Youth Ministry Blog Don’t know why we continue with the parallel universes of “Youth Ministry” and “High School Curriculum.” Love this blog for its of-the-minute posts by a variety of bloggers, including D. Scott Miller’s last night on “The Martian,” using it to fire up our mission of making disciples. Check in regularly!
The Religion Teacher Practical suggestions, new ideas, activities, lesson plans, and teaching strategies for supplementing what comes with “The Program.”
August, 2015
Checklists of concrete learning activities for each of the eight intelligences identified by Howard Gardner. They will help you connect the Multiple Intelligences theory to hands-on learning in your classroom.
Multiple Intelligences Chart How do you ensure all of your students’ intelligences are being tapped? Here is a list of activities that speak to each intelligence.
July, 2015
Incorporating Multiple Intelligences in Youth Prayer Experiences Rethinking Youth Ministry offers a variety of access points for your teens in these easy to implement approaches to group prayer. All seven of Howard Gardner’s intelligences are included here. You’ll find yourself working these strategies into non-prayer sessions, and using them as springboards to your own creative ideas, too.
May, 2015
Creative Prayer Contemplative prayers that are accessible and simple to use. Use the Prayer Station Archive sidebar. I’ve found the Inward Collection and Outward Collection most fruitful and easily adaptable to a younger age group.
Creative Youth Ideas Object lessons, creative teaching ideas, and illustrations abound here.
Differentiated Instruction in the Religion Class A Prezi presentation by Margaret Poniatowski. Excellent theory and application of differentiated instruction for the Religion Classroom.
Good Character A secular character formation site. It supports a video-based curriculum, but the site offers discussion questions, writing ideas, and student activities that can stand alone (I’ve never seen the videos) and easy to tweak for faith lessons. Divides its lessons by age groups.
Jane Bluestein Dynamite presenter on creating positive classrooms, Jane Bluestein also offers a ton of useful materials under the ‘Educators’ and ‘General Interest’ tabs at this site. Do your kids a favor and get yourself her book, The Win-Win Classroom. Buy it at Amazon or her website.
Mad About Jesus Fascinating and memorable scientifically based object lessons that teach biblical truths.
Religious Education and Differentiated Instruction A Prezi presentation by Julia Manini
Rethinking Youth Ministry Go here especially for the rich, visual prayer station ideas.
Teen Place A-Z topical index of Activities, Object Talks, Lessons, Games and other great ideas for your class or Bible study.
The Girls Guide to Saints Tight little article for hooking your girls into the power of having a saint or two on their team.
The Source for Youth Ministry Can’t say enough good stuff about this site, particularly it’s YouTube, movie and music clips/discussion areas. Spend a day or two investigating its goodness…
Youth Ideas Discussion links to numerous topics, many with movie/tv clip hooks and printable stuff. A little dated, but some good idea seeds.
Feed Your Faith
You could spend hours reading, researching, designing, crafting, creating, reinventing and test driving the most-awesome-sessions-ever-on-the-planet, but in the end, the heart and soul of your ministry with teens goes back to Job #1: Know Him. You can’t give what you don’t have, so feed your soul! A solid, steady diet of prayer, reading, faith sharing, or journaling will help you continually strengthen your own connection with Jesus in the ULC.
I’m a big reader, a pray-er-while-running, and love my quiet morning prayer time. You aren’t likely to join me for a run, or on the couch at 5:30 a.m., so how about a good book?
Here’s a variety of personal favorite good reads. It’ a broad net. Let me know if you find something you like!
- A Purpose Driven Life Rick Warren
- Changed Heart, Changed World: The Transforming Freedom of Friendship With God William A. Barry S.J.
- Consoling the Heart of Jesus Michael E. Gaitley, MIC
- Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus Sherry A. Weddell
- God: The Oldest Question William J. O’Malley S.J.
- Guests of God Monika Hellwig
- How Big Is Your God? Paul Coutinho, SJ
- How Good Do We Have to Be Harold S. Kushner
- Inner Compass Margaret Silf
- Interior Mansions Saint Teresa of Avila
Introduction to the Devout Life Saint Francis of Sales - Jesus: A Pilgrimage James Martin, S.J.
- Meditations with Meister Eckhart Matthew Fox
- New Seeds of Contemplation Thomas Merton
- Original Blessing Matthew Fox
- Rebuilt: Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost, and Making Church Matter Fr. Michael White and Tom Cocoran
- Rediscovering Catholicism Matthew Kelly
- The Jesuit Guide To Almost Everything James Martin, S.J.
- The Last Lecture Randy Pausch
- The Problem of Pain C.S. Lewis
- The Road Less Traveled Scott Peck
- The Sacrament of the Present Moment Jean Pierre de Caussade
- The Seven Story Mountain Thomas Merton
- The Story of a Soul Saint Therese of Lisieux
- There Is A Season Joan Chittister and August Swanson
- Things Hidden: Scripture as Spirituality Richard Rohr
- Truly Our Sister: A Theology of Mary in the Communion of Saints Elizabeth A. Johnson
- What Makes Us Catholic? Thomas Groome
- When Bad Things Happen to Good People Harold S. Kushner
- Wherever You Go, There You Are John Kabat-Zinn
What should I read? I’m always looking for another good read.
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